I dug through my closet to find something put together enough for work and comfortable to endure a four hour car drive to visit Courtney in Chicago and my friend Melissa who was visiting from Boston. I stuffed this vintage Louis Vuitton bag with mostly shoes and some jean cutoffs and I was good to go. Earlier last week, my friend Chad claimed he had a vintage LV bag that his mom got him from an estate sale. This dude usually doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but sure enough, it’s legit and we’re in talks of the right price to buy it from him since he doesn’t appreciate it at all and he apparently only uses it to lug up his belongings for camping up north.
[silk top from French Connection, jacket by Ecote, glasses c/o Bonlook, jeans by Levi’s, Sam Edelman wedges c/o Lori’s Shoes, bag by Marc Jacobs, rings from Forever 21]
Love that jacket!
what a great outfit, love the colours 🙂
I love your jacket. And that bag is gorgeous!
Those shoes! Love your outfit as always!
Oh boy that LV travel bag is beyond amazing! I think I'm going to have to check out some estate sales and see what I can find!
– Monica
Caravan of Style
i say, give the dude $30 to buy a new duffle and then run away laughing with that LV bag clutched tight to your bosom. you look way too good carrying it to let it go 🙂
Estate sale for the win! That bag is awesome. And I absolutely love how you paired the cream blouse with the army green jacket! I am loving how the military trend is coming back this fall.
those are probably my favorite pairs of shoes of yours. and what an awesome find!!!
The perfect travel wear I love it. I also like the vintage bag, great find!
Almost Endearing
Love that jacket!
xo Jennifer
i went away to the berkshires with a huge group of friends this past weekend; one would think that after all my business travel, i would be more adept at packing for pleasure. nope. i had a bunch of unnecessary jewelry for a weekend of lounging and eating, and a bag full of bottoms (shorts, skirt, jeans). what a mess. nonetheless, had a blast with the pals.
adore the leopard wedges, such a timeless classic, and the vintage louis vuitton; i find some of the more recent designs a bit of a drag, maybe too ostentatious or something, but the originals are stunning.
Oh that bag! I am so envious of you!
You look amazing!! 😀 Travel Chic! That duffle is amazing Love it! lol
love the jacket & louis vuitton xo
I love this look!! you look so comfortable, but yet chic and fashionable at the same time. Love it!
the combination of easy pieces and killer shoes works AMAZINGLY here! and good luck with the bag negotiations…it's the perfect combination of baller and fancy lady.
dash dot dotty
simply chic, as usual! also, currently dying of envy over your bag. it's one of my dreams to own LV luggage.
i adore you in these glasses! yowza!
Steffys Pros and Cons
1. I kinda want to club you over the head and steal that bag (but I bet you already knew that)
2. I must go buy boxed wine for NYFW. Must.
This outfit is cute on so many different levels and I love your hair!
I'm a new follower!
perfect traveling outfit, its comfortable, cute and chic 🙂
I love your outfits here!You are so cute & look like you had lots of fun!!! Enjoy the winter while it lasts 🙂