I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t feel a bit out of element for myself today and a little Susie Homemaker in my pretty patterned dress. There was a little prance to my step, but also a ton of “what the &%&$*” and “oh shit”‘s Grant writing turns me into a hot, disorganized mess who swears like a sailor.
I decided to throw my hair up after work and I started grabbing random domestic items around my apartment to play up my housewife persona for these photos. Today has been such a crap day and of course me and probably other fashion bloggers think “Oh I just need to go home and take some self portraits. That’s just what I need.” rather than “I need a drink.” It actually worked. While some people may sketch or paint to relieve stress, I paint my face up and set up the tripod and weee, instant stress reliever. I realized I inadvertently channeled Miss Pandora.
[dress by kimchi blue, purple heels by bcbg, glasses from urban outfitters, accessories, I mean appliances from various chain stores]
This dress is fabulous—love the neckline and floral print! Definitely looks different from the looks usually shown on your blog, but I think you can rock this as well. 🙂
Or I guess the print isn't floraL…but I love it anyway. Especially with your nails!
The dress is gorgeous. Love the blue. And you and the Keurig look like a very happy couple! 😛
i love your hair! heehee!
love this outfit! you look beautiful.
I love these pictures, they're so fun! The dress is beautiful.
You look so cute! Honestly, I didn't recognize you when I saw that second picture. You look fantastic in your regular style and this! Definitely shows your ability to be versatile. :]
glorious photos! how very lucille ball of you 🙂
this is the cutest post ever!
I didn't even recognize you at first with your hair up, but I like it!
Great shots, love them. I want your hhaaaaiiirrr!
This post is adorable! So glad you cheered yourself up. You look so lovely.
oooh, I like the softer side! Light colors are awesome on you, and I love your hair pulled up!
love these photos and that dress! 🙂
So cute. Sometimes it's nice to step outside of your comfort zone and try different things. It can be really freeing!
Awesome pics!
you look fabulous!!
and I totally know what you mean. While I've been home from uni i've been trying to take my photos in the morning so I don't have to faff around when I get in and can no longer be bothered!!
outfit posts take sooo much time and effort but I do love them. I'm going to miss them during my exams though- I know I just won't have time :[[[
Haha, that picture of you with the coffee maker is hysterical. You look lovely in your glasses and house-wifey dress.
But I really think the coffee-maker makes the shoot.
haha, i love this post! you look the part. except 10 times better.
I LOVEEEE these photos SO much!! Ahaha, you look so freaking cute I want to die.
oh my god so cute!!!! love your hair up like that 🙂 my favorite photo has got to be the first one! 😀
WOW! This is not the black and gray wearing Blonde Bedhead I am used to seeing. What fun to change it up like this!
AHHHHH. UR KEURIG CAME!!! SO. excited. FOR. You!
And, You look like a HOT house wife. Love how you threw in the glasses for something different.
LOVE THESEEEE. xo, Kim http://www.crowded-closet.com
Wow, that dress is so pretty! And I love your heels.
whoaa.. what a cute dress! love your nail polish too..
These photos are awesome, I love your "accessories"! I have this dress and would definitely agree that it makes me feel a whole lot sweeter than I actually am when I wear it! You look gorgeous in it! xx
I love the nail color. Is that the new limited edition color from Chanel? xo Mish
I love your hair piled on top of your head like that!
Your dress is so pretty
These pictures are so adorable, Andrea! The updo is fantastic, and I love how the chunky nerdy glasses keep this sweeter outfit a bit funkier and still very you.
absolutely fanta-bulous lol i love playing house wife my friends always make fun of me but they like to play along too lol
Umm, you look unbelievably hot in these photos! Wow lady! Jaw dropping!
very cute dress! Love the colors!
oooooooo cute cute… very 50s? so pretty!
carrie? carrie bradshaw??
This dress is so pretty! And great photos, you look lovely and so happy!
i adore this dress.
What a great dress! I wish I looked that good in a dress like that.
love this dress, you look stunning!
Purple and blue are so pretty together!
LOL a very genius shoot indeed. The dress is exceptionally beautiful though.
love your blog! just found it…you are so cute and have amazing style!
xoxo your new fan in Paris
totally darling!
we love your blog!
we just started our own fashion blog, take a look if you like =)
That one pic of you looks like a classic pin up! So cute!