It’s the little luxuries that are easy for us to snag as gifts for someone who just won’t buy for themselves, whether it’s fresh flowers, fancy laundry soap or luxe hair products. I’m sharing a few of my favorite inexpensive gifts for others or to treat myself (because I personally don’t have that problem, I buy shit for myself all the time.)
Grocery Store Bouquets
I delight in buying myself small, simple bouquets to brighten up my dining room or living room. And I appreciate the price tag of the grocery store variety, like these white roses: Just $5. And it’s just as easy to bring as a quick gift.
Fancy Laundry Soap
I’m at the age in life where I fucking love a fancy laundry detergent. My friend Jen gifted me Tyler Glamorous Wash in scent Diva earlier this year and one whiff had me changed forever. The packaging isn’t great, the name is dumb and it’s something I would’ve never discovered on my own, but the scent is long-lasting and so so good. I use it for my bedding, towels and guest bedding. When I replenished, I found that Amazon has the best pricing and free shipping, unlike the actual Tyler web site. A little goes a long way too!
Healthy, Tasty Cookies
My friend Ashley of Fit Mitten Kitchen let me nibble on one of the Opes Cookies they sent her and I couldn’t believe something so delicious could be so healthy. She advised to eat them straight out of the freezer–they last longer and I do agree, they just taste better frozen. These cookies are mail order only, but they’re packaged well and you can toss them straight into your freezer. My favorite flavors? Outlaw and PowerLifter.
I just went to the web site to reorder more cookies, and they have an email promotion for 40 percent off your purchase once you send them your email!
Luxe Hair Products
There are some incredible hair products out there and the $34 price tag on the Caviar Anti-Aging Dry Oil Mist from Alterna Haircare is completely worth it. Sure, they sent me this product to try and I had my doubts a product could transform my frizz, but it truly does. I’ll be re-buying this product, but not for a while since even when using every day, it doesn’t take much product to eliminate the frizz.
Soft Hands
I love indulging in a fancy hand soap and hand lotion, and gifting these as well. I love Mrs. Meyers and grab any new seasonal scent they release like apple cider or peppermint. For my upstairs bathroom, I always stock Aesop’s Resurrection Hand Wash and keep the Resurrection Hand Balm at my desk at work and by my kitchen sink.
A facial just seems so luxurious and indulgent and who ever feels like they should give that to themselves? I’ve gone maybe twice on my own accord, while the handful of other times have been gifted to me. It truly makes for the perfect gift whether it’s a relaxing facial or something more along the lines of a chemical peel.
If you’re in the Grand Rapids area or farther but willing to drive, I absolutely love the flash facial at the Urban You! It’s a super affordable quick chemical peel without the itch and burn or down time.
For 20% off the flash facial, just mention ANDREA20. They also got a great deal on gift cards, every $100 you spend, they give you a free $20 gift card. If you’re like me and like a little juvederm, your ass best jump on this deal. And no they didn’t pay me to do this. I just asked if they would share a discount code to incentivize you to pamper yourself!
Tasty cookies are the best. I love when I receive homemade ones! ❤
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
These are the best small treats! Great idea for the upcoming months!