Saturday was another fun and fashion filled adventure. After finally flagging down a cab, Elizabeth, Tieka and I headed to Frankies to meet up with a few more fab bloggers. This is where I experienced the best breakfast sandwich in the world. I consider myself somewhat of a breakfast sandwich ...
Girls Night Out–NYC style
10 hours had never gone by so fast. I don't typically get so incredibly excited for much, but I was legitimately excited to make the 10 hour drive to New York City and participate in some New York Fashion Week festivities. First of which was the Girls Night Out sponsored by Dove. I lurk these girls ...
Tieka is here and we're packed and ready to go to NYC! She keeps saying, "at 10 p.m. we are going to bed and you can't talk to me!" She says this because we end up giggling until the wee hours of the night and we're getting up at 3:30 a.m. to start the voyage. I'm hoping we're well rested because ...
mint green
I wore this yesterday. I always like wearing a vest when I have photo shoots for some reason. I spent my time yesterday and today photographing successful people in the mid-Michigan area for an education awareness campaign called Keep Learning. The photos will be placed on billboards which I'm ...
I've featured one of my close friends Haley here before and with her cute sense of style, you can anticipate more photos of her in the future. She was my roommate during my senior in college and our closets doubled in size that year. It was amazing. I miss her clothes and I love when she comes over ...
Three days a week , one of my communications interns, Naomi walks into the office with wearing such chic outfits. With her height and cute effortless pieces, I'm convinced she's an off duty model. My supervisor, Kate and I met her at a Public Relations Society of America meeting. She introduced ...