According to, the winner of the Blonde Bedhead Giveaway is Jay! Congrats, I will be mailing this to you shortly! Thanks everyone for participating!I apologize for taking so long to post the winner..I'm technologically challenged and it took me forever to figure out I'm ...
kcad fashion show
What a busy weekend! I was reunited with Tieka and other fun girls to attend the Bodies of Art Fashion Show hosted by Kendall College, an art school in Grand Rapids Tieka attends. It was at the Brass Works--this cool industrial-ish building and the models were entertaining (think guy with crazy hair ...
Blonde Bedhead Giveaway!
Friends, thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog. I've been obsessed with fashion for probably my entire life and I wanted an outlet to share things that inspire me, what I'm wearing and my photography. I just started this blog in January and I get so excited when you guys leave ...
hooray for spring weather!
It was in the 60s today! It will probably snow next week knowing how spontaneous Michigan weather is so I took advantage of it by hopping around in a tank dress after work. I shopped a bit in downtown East Lansing followed by stopping at my favorite Mexican restaurant, El Azteco. Nom!This tank dress ...
back in ravenna
Apologies for not updating sooner! I've been sick and been sort of busy. Today I went back to my hometown to visit the fam and take some senior portraits of a lovely girl named Ashley.I endured rain, wind, mud and burrs in the butt to get some photos of Ashley. Despite all of this, I had an absolute ...
lovely lace
Yesterday I spent the morning as one of the contest judges during the Michigan FFA State Convention, held on campus at MSU. For those of you not familiar with FFA, it used to stand for Future Farmers of America and it remains an organization rooted in agriculture with a focus on leadership ...