This week is a super busy week for me! It involves working on a huge grant, a trip to Chicago, countless meetings, photography sessions and executing an event my interns and I organize. I definitely feel like I don’t have enough time to get everything done that I need to such as my class work and ...
windy city wandering
A month ago when Tieka asked if I was interested in meeting up with fellow bloggers in Chicago, I exclaimed "Yes!" This became an excuse to shop, catch up with Tieka and meet some amazing ladies. I spent the night at Tieka's Friday night. Since her hubby was off recording their band's next album, it ...
black & blue
I have been quite unimpressed with Michigan's weather this past week. From sunny almost summer like weather to what I swear I saw swirling around in the wind this morning--snow--GASP! I'm hopeful the weather in Chicago will be a bit better asTieka and I make are way to the Windy City to enjoy some ...
haley & cupcakes
Tonight I spent some time with a couple of my favorite brunettes, my friends Sarah and Haley. Sarah and I have a weekly routine of meeting up at a coffee shop in attempt to “get things done.” It usually involves us eavesdropping on other’s conversations and giggling, telling each other stories and ...
it’s always sunny
Saturday in Philly was spent getting brunch at a delicious restaurant called Sabrina's followed by walking, walking and more walking. Now, I'm a pretty unfortunately lazy person where I drive any time I need to get to point a to point b, even if it's literally down the street. It was great exercise ...
Shopping Day in Philly
Kim and I spent Friday shopping. We woke up early and her boyfriend Brian cooked us a delicious breakfast. They live so close to everything and it was a short walk to the shops. I'm trying to be good on this trip and not overspend, so I only purchased three, but fabulous items. Kim let me borrow ...