Some more things I'm currently digging and are on my "OMG I NEED TO BUY YOU" list. 1. Meshin' around leggings (only one in stock right now, BOO.)2. Cut out tee by Mink Pink3. Shorts by Siwy4. Purse by GORJANA5. Stud sandal I'm off to spend the day with my lovely friend Erin in Detroit! ...
the softer side
I'm not going to lie and say I didn't feel a bit out of element for myself today and a little Susie Homemaker in my pretty patterned dress. There was a little prance to my step, but also a ton of "what the &%&$*" and "oh shit"'s Grant writing turns me into a hot, disorganized mess who swears ...
Delightfully Fun
Delightfully Tacky featured me as the Blogger of the Moment! eee! I love Elizabeth and each girl she features. What an honor! Yesterday, I talked about fashion blogging, style, and photography on LansingNext, a weekly online talk radio show with two pretty sweet hosts, Dan and Julielyn. Dan was the ...
MSU SADA Fashion Show
On Saturday, Tieka came down to Lansing to attend Michigan State University's Student Apparel Design Association's annual fashion show with me. She secured press passes for us which made it easier for me to photograph the runway. First of course we gobbled up delicious food at Michigan Brewing ...
hair timeline and memories
Tieka is on her way over today and I started thinking about when we first started hanging out. I referred back to my embarrassing livejournal and recovered a few embarrassing pictures to share. Everyone knows me now for my big, curly, blonde hair but back in the day I did everything to change it. I ...
spring things I like
Katy of Modly Chic asked if I was interested in participating in a weekly question/answer on my blog about fashion/beauty and it sounds fun, so here we go!What is your favorite spring trend?I'm loving the pastel and nude colors that are hot this spring. I'm needing a pair of nude heels ASAP! Right ...