I took Thursday and Friday off this week since I have to second shoot a wedding Saturday AND Sunday. By Wednesday, it already seemed liked it was Friday for some reason. I'm not sure if I would've made it through the entire week working. How nice it is to sleep in, get caught up on personal stuff ...
alainn bella!
alainn bella, a super cute and affordable online boutique is offering my readers a 25 percent discount off any full priced items using the code "blondebedhead" Head over and check alainn bella out! I'm drooling over the remi & reid bags. ...
make your siren’s call
This past weekend turned out be quite exciting! I was supposed to second shoot a wedding up in northern Michigan and found out I wasn't actually needed! Instead, I went to Detroit to visit my friend Erin and as usual we went to Birmingham for lunch and to hit up a few of our favorite shops. We ate ...
another andrea & a radio show!
A couple weekends ago, Andrea and I were on In Her Shoes, a local radio talk show. We were the young professionals to be represented on the show. Andrea dressed cute and comfy while I showed up looking like a bum in a grey t-shirt. Andrea has great style and looks polished whenever I see her out and ...
The Want List: light & fun dresses
Shopping the internet for things I like is one of my favorite pastimes. In times of stress, I shop and lust over items from different online boutiques. I've been looking for some cute dresses and below are a few that I'm infatuated with! 1.2. 3.4. Of course..one of my faves5. I'm not normally one ...
20 miles
My lack of posting is due to last week's busy schedule of work--all kinds of work. Ah! Of course even with my schedule, I take on more projects. Must learn to say no sometimes. I have been making a recent effort though at not forcing myself to do as much for the sake of earning a dollar. My ...