I used to wonder what the life of a model was like--running off to castings, visiting exotic places and going to parties in big cities. And since lurking Jen of Agogo Fashion, I feel as if I have a pretty good idea. Through her blog, I get to vicariously experience her adventures through her photos. ...
$100 Gift Card Giveaway Winner!
Congratulations to Ashley Kennedy for winning the $100 gift card to Lulu's! And if you didn't win, you can still get 15 percent off orders using the discount code "bedhead" ...
pumped up kicks
For almost any occasion there's a little black dress that goes perfectly with any event. I have versions work appropriate and ones..not as work appropriate. This particular look was worn to work. I added some feminine details with the the sash tied in a bow in the back and a cute bow headband from ...
the other girls are driven home
I'm baaack! Sorry for the lack of posts last week! Work was crazy, had car issues, been horribly sick and with Thanksgiving, I didn't have much time near the computer. But now, I think I have some things under control at work, got a Chrysler 300 as a rental car HA!, feel much better and am back in a ...
Lulu’s $100 Gift Card Giveaway!
Want to win a $100 gift card to one of my favorite online shops, Lulu's? So easy. Just visit Lulu's, select your favorite item and comment with a link to the item. This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian readers only and the giveaway will end next Wednesday, December 1 at 9 p.m. Winner will be ...
royal oak
So I've been catching the cold that's been going around. I suppose that's what I get for surviving off bags of m&m's, red bull and hot cheetos. I kept things low key this weekend and went to the Detroit area on Saturday to meet up with Suze of Miss Vinyl Ahoy and Katelyn of Shop Vogue Vintage ...