I have news. Big news. I found the most perfect next step in my career and it will be taking me to Chicago. It's a bittersweet feeling to leave a place that has been home for so long and a community of amazing people I love to pieces, but I'm excited for what's up ahead. The move and position is ...
$25 Gift Card Giveaway to Emma Stine!
Emma Stine, an online jewelry store, is offering a $25 gift card to one of my readers! Just comment with your email. If you'd like a second entry, please like them on Facebook or follow on Twitter. Giveaway ends on Friday, March 11 at 10 p.m. EST. ...
Weekend Outfit
[leather jacket by bcbg, red heels c/o spotted moth, faux fur vest by f21, tee by wildfox, jeans by bdg, aviators by banana republic] I spent the majority of the weekend annoying my mother with my excessive potty mouth and laughing at her expense. Actually, I think only the latter bothered her ...
Michigan Blogger Meet Up
I love blogger meet ups. This type of event is a safe, positive environment where it's ok to take a ton of photos of yourself, wear something fashion forward (to outsiders this might also be viewed as weird or out there) and randomly meet people from the internet. Did I mention I love blogger ...
Shoes for Spring!
So I know we've got awhile until Spring, but I can't help but dream about open-toed heels, neutral wedges and fun, patterned flats. Here are a few I love! Which is your favorite? 1. Sam Edelman Leroy Espadrille, $139.95 2. Jeffrey Campbell Wedge, $159.99 3. Jeffrey Campbell SKATE, $214.95 4. Soda ...
Backyard Buddies
These photos are from last month when I visited my mom. I seem to wear this sweater every weekend because it's so comfortable and a variation of this look has become my staple weekend attire. Usually when I visit home, I get roped into going to the barn with my mom to see all the critters. And ...