I'm excited to share a great giveaway! One of my readers will win a $30 gift card code to Vertebrae, a Chicago-based handmade label, which incorporates a mix of vintage and contemporary fabrics and pretty silhouettes. Want to enter? All you have to do is visit the Vertebrae etsy page and ...
Out With the Girls!
One of my favorite things about living in Chicago is the combination of the great network of bloggers and blogger friends I've made. I love that on a random Wednesday, a group of us can get together for shopping and cocktails. To outsiders, they might guess we've been friends our whole life ...
Milwaukee River
This weekend I spent a lot of time on or near the Milwaukee River in downtown Milwaukee partaking in my favorite activities: drinking on a boat and eating at restaurants along the river. Friday night's weather was spectacular and I enjoyed a cruise with my boyfriend for one of his company's outings. ...
See Jane..and Andrea
This was a fun, comfy outfit I wore to work yesterday and to dinner with Anna of See Jane, a fabulous Chicago style blogger. We've been trying for months to meet up and finally, the stars aligned and we were able to meet up and grab pizza at my roommate's restaurant, Big Stuff. I already knew she ...
Polka Dots & Gold
Zoo animals, Michigan friends, cheeseburgers, cupcakes and tacos describe this past weekend, which may be the best way someone could describe an ideal weekend for me. Don visited from Milwaukee and we made trips to new restaurants, bars and did a couple touristy things, including the zoo. Knowing ...
Back to Blonde
I skipped along to work and dinner with friends yesterday in this outfit. I'm feeling especially feminine and cutesy now that my hair is blonde again and I'm wearing a frilly outfit. I went to the salon on Wednesday, asked to keep the strawberry blonde and somehow leaving with it looking close to ...