Need a little post-Christmas present? Enter the $100 Deux Lux voucher giveaway! Deux Lux bags range from glamorous to edgy and of course ethical, as most of the designs are created using animal-friendly synthetics. The giveaway is open to U.S. readers only. Comment to enter. Giveaway will ...
Home With The Dogs
Since I've been back at my parent's, I've spent a lot of time with all the animals, catching up with my youngest brother and making my mom take my outfit photos. I wore this particular look on Christmas Eve, which was a low key day of baking, grabbing dinner at a chain restaurant and listening ...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Beau, Lily, Zoe and Shasta! ...
I always like when people pair jeans with a bit of distress with a fancy top and I thought this balance was perfect for dinner with Tieka of Selective Potential when I was back in Michigan a couple weeks ago for work. I wore this to work with black pants and changed into more cozy jeans before ...
$100 Gift Card Giveaway to Burlington Coat Factory!
I accepted the $100 Style Challenge from Burlington Coat Factory this past weekend and headed to the closest store to find an outfit perfect for a holiday occasion. Since I'm literal, I was on the hunt for a red dress and I scored this pretty red wine colored sweater dress, the BB Dakota ...
Weekend in Photos
Weee! I'm finally in possession of an iPhone and my dreams of quickly and quite simply over-editing photos has finally come true! My username is @andreakerbuski, the same as my Twitter handle. I feel as if I always miss fun moments since I'm too lazy to drag my Nikon D700 with me everywhere and now ...