When in doubt, I always reach for neutrals and a pair of boots. What’s your go-to item in your closet?
[choker c/o jewelmint, dress from h&m, jacket c/o ugg, boots c/o blowfish, hat by deena and ozzy, bag by rebecca minkoff, bracelet c/o kristin hassan]
Easily my new favorite piece of jewelry: this gold-plated choker from Jewelmint! I’ve been wearing it nonstop. It just adds a little more interest to some of my basic outfits.

AND I’m excited to share with you I’m the newest member of the Delightful Dozen! In case you’re not familiar, it’s a group of 12 bloggers across the U.S. who swap clothes with each other. All these girls have fabulous style and I’m so pumped to style their clothes and see how they style mine!
I absolutely love your boots and choker. And congrats on the good news. You will definitely be an asset to their group. My go to item, I would have to say would be my loafers. No matter what I wear, I don't have to worry about what kind of shoes I should wear to go along with the rest of my outfits. And I completely agree with you on the fact that if there's nothing else that you can come up with, you can never go wrong with the neutrals 🙂 Truly inspirational! I'm glad I found your blog.
love this look on you! i'd have to say my go to item is probably a cardigan because i'm ALWAYS cold…
I was wondering when you were going to announce the awesome news on your blog as well. Anyway, congrats! 🙂
Oh my goodness, Andrea this is such a stunning look -wow! I swear you have the best footwear in the blogoshere and the vibe of these photos is just SO gorg!! And again, congrats on being the newest DD member. I'm so excited to see your re-mixes. Happy Wednesday. xo veronika
Love that necklace! Also, I'm excited to see you in the Delightful Dozen mix – your style will definitely mix it up a bit.
I haven't heard of the delightful dozen…but after checking it out it sounds like fun! Such a good mix of bloggers…you're the perfect addition!
October sun in Chicago is the best. I'm enjoying it wayy to much! Perfect for biking!
The Delightful Dozen is so great! Congrats! I love your boots as always. Great neutral look!
Love the necklace.
Congrats on joining the DD crew! I'm so excited to see things too ^^ I also LOVE this neutral outfit 🙂 You look very classy! x
The dress and the trench are perfect together! Love the whole outfit!
love this location, and you're outfit of course 😉
congrats on the delightful dozen!!
perfect outfit – I absolutely love it
i LOVE the jacket. as much as it contrasts w my style, i am the same as you! i always grab some blacks and tans and browns when in a hurry 🙂
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
I call SERIOUS DIBS on those boots when you decided to get rid of them!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
so chic!!
i have been looking for a hat like yours, but so far no luck =(
also love love love your necklace ♥
Gorgeous look & necklace, so glad I stumbled across your blog- now a follower! 🙂
Love this neutral outfit! You look so adorable!
I love industrial wasteland landscapes. There's something hauntingly beautiful about architecture in decay. It's one of the reasons I always liked driving through Detroit to go to Tigers games. It's almost like seeing buildings slowly far apart brings my mind right back to when they were first created, in a way that occupied buildings never will.
Your necklace, with its rectangular "building block" like designs, was it intentionally referencing buildings? Because it's a brilliant detail if so!
Love your boots <3
My go to outfit must be a striped top, jeans or a full skirt and a pair of boots)
Just found your amazing blog! Love your style! following 🙂 http://www.casualglamorous.com
such a great fall look! i've been dying trying to find the perfect black hat to sport for a/w and i really love the deena & ozzy one you wear here!
also, love the handbag.
great photos, great post!
alissa b
love those boots. btw you remind me of ellie goulding. 🙂
ahaha, i actually thought you were already part of the delightful dozen!
i love this dark fall look on you, great contrast to your hair.
I think I love this outfit! Like, really love.
And congrats on being part of the Delightful Dozen!!
the boots <3