Ever have days where you sit in front of the computer for hours trying to think of what to write in a blog post? I’m suffering severe writer’s block that not even extra flamin’ Hot Cheetos or the new, weird ass episode of True Blood can cure. My mind is mush. All that I can tell you is the obvious: 1. I love leopard print. 2. I love bustiers. And fact: these Molly Black sandals by 80%20 are awesome. With a hidden heel, I can fake being an inch taller and add edge to any outfit with ease.
Combining leopard print in any way is sort of my go-to for styling an outfit. It’s just so wonderful and versatile. What’s yours?
you are honestly so adorable,and your hair is just wonderful! is that the natural texture?
the hidden heel had me fooled 🙂 and i totally have writers block sometimes too!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
your hair is seriously amazing! love the leopard shorts 🙂
xo Julia
I'm having a brain lock/freeze/drain right now and I have all these ideas for posts, but no pictures. or I have what I want to write but when I sit down to do it…i cant!
loving the leopard babe and the purse fabulous!
Hi dear! Long time no talk! Sorry to hear about the writers block, happens to us all. Would love to meet for coffee and catch up soon!
Couldn't agree more!
I love leopard print and you look amazing in those shorts!
& if you like check out my blog, I am having a fabulous giveaway for a pearl necklace $168 by Pomegranate. Don't miss out!
Those sandals are fantastic! Who'da thunk they had a hidden heel! You are truly a woman after my own heart. I am sporting my leopard today as well. I'm glad you love bustiers because you always look fantastic in them. Hope the words come back to you soon, but if not, just keep posting pretty stuff. It works out. 😉
Love the look! Those shoes are pretty awesome, too! I like the idea of a hidden heel!
I love love love those shorts! I'm drooling over all the printed shorts this summer. Definitely going to have to stock up!
You look fabulous, as usual. 🙂
Lindsey Soup
I love love love those shorts! I'm drooling over all the printed shorts this summer. Definitely going to have to stock up!
You look fabulous, as usual. 🙂
Lindsey Soup
Your smile, those shorts, LOVE IT ALL!!!! xo, Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com
LOVE that your shorts are high waisted! and I totally agree, NEVER enough leopard!
XO Sahra
I have days like that as well. Usually by the end of the day, something comes to me. By that time, I'm nowhere near a computer 🙁
I want those shorts! so cute!xx
looooove the shorts! i can never get enough leopard print either…and i suffer from writer's block all the time, probably why all my posts don't make sense 😛
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You look amazing. I absolutely hate blogger's block. smh.
I absolutely LOVE these shorts! they're fabulous 🙂 x
You are beautiful, and this outfit is really cute. Shorts are amazing!
Great leopard shorts, and love that bag!
I LOVE THOSE SHORTS! Flippin' cute!
This is so cute! 🙂
Having been shopping with you on multiple occasions, I'm utterly unsurprised to find you discussing your love of leopard print. You rock the F out of that animal, woman, especially with those shoes (which are insane).
Will you please teach me how to be such a badass? I think I might need lessons. 🙂
loooove your outfit!
I loooove the leopard shorts, way cute!
Love everything you are wearing, you look great! 😀
ahaha – flaming hot cheetos (love cheetos)
How appropriate–you're wearing leopard, too! You look hot, lady!
my nails currently match your shorts!! cute.
photos on my blog…
True story! I really can't get enough leopard. Such a fierce look! Rock it girl!
Your bag, Your shorts… perfection! ;>
LOVE this look! Those shorts are leopard print perfection!
This outfit is soo cute! Love the shorts love love love the sandals!
This is so true. I've recently been trying to wear leopard more often. I bought a leopard knit maxidress from H&M not too long ago that's great for "days off."
tons of bloggers seem to be rockin' the leopard print lately for summer, even a newbie like me! haha
oh my, you look like a goddess! *-* your hair is just divine, and I love love love your sense of style. I'm so glad I found your blog! ♥