I have news. Big news.
I found the most perfect next step in my career and it will be taking me to Chicago. It’s a bittersweet feeling to leave a place that has been home for so long and a community of amazing people I love to pieces, but I’m excited for what’s up ahead. The move and position is perfectly aligned with my interests! I’ll get into details later, but my new marketing position will be with Kie & Kate and I’ll be responsible for launching the new online boutique.
I found the most perfect next step in my career and it will be taking me to Chicago. It’s a bittersweet feeling to leave a place that has been home for so long and a community of amazing people I love to pieces, but I’m excited for what’s up ahead. The move and position is perfectly aligned with my interests! I’ll get into details later, but my new marketing position will be with Kie & Kate and I’ll be responsible for launching the new online boutique.
In other news, I promise I styled this outfit before I saw Late Afternoon’s post. Ha! I like how she styled hers better. I had been itching to try more maxi skirts and when this was only $5, I couldn‘t pass it up.
[shoes c/o blowfish, skirt by f21, jacket by lucca couture, belt by ecote, studded bracelet by tea accessories, other bracelet by aldo, sunglasses by rayban]
chicago! congrats! what an exciting adventure. can't wait to hear more about it 🙂
Lansing's loss, Chicago's gain. You deserve it! You've been working hard at three major interests (day job, photography, fashion blogging) since we met in 2009 and it's about time you were able to follow your passion in career-form! Congratulations Andrea!!
Chicago is such a wonderful place to live! Do you know what neighborhoods you're looking at? Congrats on the new job, and have a blast in the city!
Congrats on the new job! Exciting stuff! And I love this little striped jacket, too cute!
YAY for Andrea and Chicago; BOO for the mitten and those of us in it. I KNOW you'll do fabulously, and i can't wait to see (hear, read) all the amazing things this brings to your life. Congrats!
you wil love it! and it's really a perfect distance – enough to feel new and exciting with different creative opportunities, yet still decidedly midwest, a quick trip from home, and when you live somewherelike Chicago home tends to come visit you lots as well. Good luck!
Congrats on the new job! Chicago is such a vibrant place to live. I'm thrilled for you – so few people get the opportunity to work somewhere that they truly love.
I'm both happy and sad. Chicago better treat you right, because it is getting one classy lady.
This opens the door for Kat to became Lansing's Queen of Fashion now, haha.
AMAZING!!!! Congratulations 🙂 I am so excited for you!
My congratulation on your next step in your career! It's really a big challenge to move to another city!
The blazer is so cute!!
Congrats! Chicago is an amazing place to live, you'll love it 🙂
Welcome to the Windy City!
Congratulations! A new city and advancing your career – well done!
You know, I really want to jump on the maxi skirt bandwagon, but every time I put one on, it's just…wrong. You, on the other hand, look gorgeous as usual. I am seriously in love with that jacket!
I absolutely love Chicago! What a great city. Congrats on the new job. Moving is definitely bittersweet, but this will be such an exciting adventure and an amazing opportunity.
YAY! I've had a hard time keeping this a secret for so long. So glad I can say a giant CONGRATS now that the cat's out of the bag! Now, to the important part: where are we going to go shopping when you get here? 🙂
shut-up that's so exciting! congrats!
That's awesome girl! I'm praying for my own career miracle right now! I wish you all the best on your new adventure! Cute outfit post as well!!
xoxo Emily
New, big changes are fun and exciting!! Congrats! Chicago's my hometown, and I can't think of a better place to live!
Congrats on the exciting news! That is so great.
Also, I love your outfit. Long maxi skirts have inspired me lately while living in Jerusalem, Israel. I'm enjoying the more modest length!
Wow, congrats on the new job! I can't wait to read all about your adventures in a new city. 🙂
congrats! chicago is fabulous (i'm a little biased, of course because i live here) and what a great career move for you!
I think Chicago is where all city-loving Michigan girls wind up eventually, and I must say it is not a bad place to be. I really REALLY love being here. And it's not too far from home. 🙂 Welcome!
congrats on the job! i live in chicago and i'm certain you'll love it. i've been following your blog for awhile and would love to meet up and talk blogs once you're here. so excited for you! (i'm sure you have plenty of resources but feel free to email me if you have questions about living/neighborhoods/etc: seeannajane@gmail.com)
PS and love your outfit, of course 🙂
oh awesome! congrats on the move! and i love how you styled the maxi skirt with the striped jacket 😉
Wow, sounds like an exciting new venture! Good luck, cant wait to hear/see more! XOXO, http://www.NatalyasCloset.com
I live in the Chicago suburbs, so I'm sure you'll really like it here! Maybe I'll even see you around! Good luck!
Ahh Kudos to you on the new Job Andrea!:)
YAY! (I have to admit that Emily let the news slip last week, and I'm so excited to hear that you're joining the Windy City crew!) 🙂
Ahhh! So many congratulations! Your job sounds perfect for you…fashion and marketing! I'm sure Chicago is going to be aaaamazing and that you'll love it, but I can totally understand why you would be sad to leave Lansing behind. I loved visiting you there and going out to breakfast, it is such a beautiful place.
It's going to be so exciting for you to explore Chicago and discover all of your favorite coffee shops, bars, parks, and stores. I'm so excited for you!
I had a bit of a news spoiler last weekend, but this is still super exciting! I'm so jealous! Congrats and I can't wait to read/see more! 🙂
Congrats! Well deserved! You are looking amazing as always. This outfit is golden. The stripe blazer is perfect with that perfect maxi skirt.
OMG. I love your blog. My name's Anna, I'm a stylist and visual merchandiser in LA. I'm 23 years old and moved to California after graduating back in south with a degree in visual merchandiser. I've worked with such designers as Max Azria, Nicole Richie, and my idol Rachel Zoe. I'd love if you visited my new blog for multiple posts a day on all things fashion. I'd love the support. I'm following you, I hope you'll do the same. Thanks so much.
For some reason maxi dresses still make me nervous, but that jacket will probably convert me!
I am so excited you are moving to chiacgo!!! When are you moving? I woudl love to get together once you arrive and are settled in 🙂 If you need any help with anything, please let me know! We should set up a dinner date or coffee!!
Hehe, I got those shoes from Shop Ruche! They are sooo cute! I can't wait until you move and I get to come visit you!! xo
Congrats! You are going to have a blast in Chicago. I miss living there so much! Do you know what neighborhood you'll be living in yet?
Wow, that's amazing! Big moves are so exciting! Congrats, it's sounds like a really great opportunity for you.
…and I've never been to Chicago…just one more place to visit now!
Congrats on the move!!! You are going to LOVE it there, I lived there for a year and it was the best time of my life! I just found out I'm moving too 🙂
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