A New Series
I’ve decided that in order to make 2017 my bitch, I have to do what works for me. I’m not a DIYer or any sort of visionary. I just get shit done. Thus, I introduce you the Lazy Bitch guides that I’ll share as I randomly realize I have some wisdom to share. This post isn’t so much for lazy bitches, but for anyone who can relate to a grumpy lady who whines and wants to stop.
First, up: Resolutions.
2016 was a shit year. Good riddance. I usually hate resolutions, but I think it’s fair to set some time aside to be thoughtful about what you want to focus on to be happier and healthier. And I think you can do these whenever. Doesn’t have to be January 1.
Self Care
If you’re still feeling the pain and suffering of 2016, I suggest some therapy. I love therapy..and I love self-care. There’s no shame in making some time to talk to a third party person trained to listen to you. I had an angry, tearful moment a couple weeks ago that made me realize, “shit, I need some therapy.” So before you let shit ruin your 2017, try talking it out. I’m not about to journal my feelings and read books on my problems–let’s just take it straight to a trained professional. Shout out to Leslie at Therapy Today. You’ll be hearing from me soon.
Part of self-care for me is fitness and eating well. December was filled with stress eating garbage and too exhausted to work out the way I’d like to. If your motivation is lagging like mine, you need someone to help hold you accountable. It’s the perfect time (like everyone else thinks) to start anew with health and fitness.
Joining a gym or nutrition program can help guide you as you start to make some life changes. This worked incredibly well for me last year. I lost 15 pounds that creeped on from stress and pure laziness. The big thing that helped? Keeping a food journal. Easy stuff to just start doing. I’m starting the next FLEXcity Fitness nutrition program on January 7 to just get back in the habit of writing down what I eat and eating more balanced.
Know What Makes You Happy. And Do it.
I had this “aha” moment my senior year at MSU in a class a part of what I like to refer to as a hippie program, where you can learn what you want to learn and “everyone is a co-learner” including the professors. This class pissed me off. I hate talking about abstract ideas and sharing feelings. That class was my goddamn nightmare.
Then, we decided as a class to take the Meyer Briggs personality test. This was enlightening AF. And it validated how I felt. I realized it was okay to not like groups of people or sharing feelings. It’s okay that I need A LOT of alone time because it’s what re-energized me. And with age now, I’ve realized making too many social commitments is not fun for me and I vow to make even less this year to be a happier, healthier me.
I recommend taking this personality test and think about what you need to feel happy and energized.
Stop Bitching, Start Helping
2016 was a whiny year for me. A break up, weight gain/loss, paying out of pocket for my last couple master’s classes, TRUMP RUINING MY LIFE. A lot of things upset me this year, but there are so many ways to feel fulfilled. But you have to take some action.
This was a big lesson for me in 2016. I spent pretty much all of my free time freelancing–anything to make an extra buck, and if I wasn’t getting paid to do something, I wasn’t doing it. I want to keep my side hustles, but a better balance with getting involved in groups and organizations that support causes I care about might help me feel like a less angry person.
I’ve spent some time identifying local LGBT groups to get involved with like LAHR–I joined, now I just have to do something, continue to watch and donate to help people in Aleppo and staying involved in student leadership organizations like the National FFA Organization. But in true lazy bitch fashion, I won’t overextend myself and it will give me more time to more thoughtfully involved.
*A big thank you to Khalid of Eat Pomegranate for sending me the 2017 calendar and care package–which I absolutely love, and inspired this post.
Lovely post!
Love this post so much! You do you, girl. I totally agree on not over exerting ourself just for the sake of pleasing others or because you feel like it may be the right thing to do in the moment. I’m working on using the word “no” more often because even though I’m an extrovert, I tend to get overstimulated with too much activity. I appreciate this sound advice.
Have a wonderful New Year, my love!
Great post! And yes, TRUMP ruined all our lives. But we’re getting it back in 2017!
This was the most Muppet post ever on your blog and I loved it so much I teared up a little because I miss you! And I’m pmsing. But mostly the former. I fucking love your resolutions and I am stealing a few for myself. I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU SOON!!
Awesome, yes! Thank you, and solidarity for the next 4 years. 😮
What a lovely post!! I have followed you for a while and wondered about the sometimes photographer. Hey we all go through things and it’s okay to be angry! At least you realized and caught yourself. But 2016 wasn’t so bad you got a house! 😊 As always love your style, it never disappoints. Give James a hug.