For more than 10 years I’ve been blogging at Blonde Bedhead and it’s become a catalyst for my personal and professional success. I never thought when I launched this style blog at 23 that I would have been able build a personal and professional brand that has helped me diversify my income streams and find my entrepreneurial spirit. Never truly thought I had it in me!
I wanted to share how I make money, what I’m doing differently this year to diversify my income streams and how blogging is a big part of my success.
How I Make My Money
Typically, 75% off my income is from my full-time public relationships job and I supplement my annual income with retainer freelance PR work and photography work which makes up 15% and blog work such as brand partnerships that account for 10%. These two buckets ebb and flow each year, but it’s been amazing to supplement my income the last 10 years by doing things I truly love to do: writing, photography, sharing my fashion and home decor inspo, travels and more. Plus working with small businesses on their PR and social–I especially love working with small women-owned businesses from boutiques to fitness studios to fellow bloggers.
I’ve also expanded revenue streams by renting out my RV! And I’ve been able to use this platform and social media channels to promote the rental. I pretty much split the profits with my stepdad who manages delivery and set up and other less than fun things (like emptying the poop.) I handle what I consider fun: managing the reservations and customer service! I’ve been doing this for less than a month and it’s been so profitable so far!
How I’m Refocusing My Efforts Moving Forward
With blogging, I’ve re-focused my efforts less on brand partnerships where I’ve made the bulk of my money in the past, but it’s increasingly become less and less consistent and the payout can take months. I still love these collaborations, but picky about who I work with and value my work and won’t do it unless I’m paid appropriately.
I’m focusing more time now with affiliate marketing (using links where I gain a small commission from purchases from those links), freelance photography work and now launching blog coaching/courses (plus the RV rental.) All of these tie into my personal brand development and audience who trust me. Because of this, I can promote and communicate my freelance availability, my purchase recommendations and more–and they want to hire me, trust my opinions and listen to my recommendations.
My Blog Essentials Course
I touched on it, but blog course development and coaching is the newest area I’m working on. One that I’ve done consulting around for years, but never really promoted my expertise and experience out of fear and lack of confidence. But I’ve been pushing myself outside my comfort zone which is equally exciting and scary.
The course is all about how to start a blog–the step by step guide with downloadable and video I created to walk you through every aspect of researching, planning, preparing and launching! My passion area is helping new bloggers or newer bloggers who haven’t quite figured it out yet how to take that next step and reach their goals and build an audience.
I’m excited to create more courses in the future–if you have ideas on topics, let me know!
If you’re interested in learning about my course (and getting a 50% off code) sign up here. I’m about to launch this in the next day or so!
Why You Should Start a Blog
I can’t tell you how many people tell me it’s too late to start a blog because the market is saturated (or some other excuse!) The truth is there’s plenty of space for everyone. And marketers finally understand the value and ROI (for the most part) and more and more industries and companies are incorporating influencer marketing into their overall marketing/advertising programs. And there are many ways to monetize and find opportunities in the digital space by first creating a strong personal brand.
I’ve personally loved having a blog for many reasons outside of monetizing: improve my writing and photography skills, learned how to use Google Analytics, learned how to create simple social media ads, built friendships and relationships, used the blog as a tool to stand out during job interviews, a fun diary for me to look back on (and sometimes cringe at LOL.) I’ve also developed so many other new hard skills and soft skills like negotiation, contract writing, brand pitching, etc. And I think building community and trust has been huge when it comes to my other revenue streams that rely on trusting a person.
This could also serve as more of portfolio space for you if you’re a creative or writing on topics that are your hobby outside of your career/education (maybe that’s DIY projects or fashion/personal style like me!) Everyone can benefit from launching their own site and you can learn a little more about it by signing up for my newsletter.
Got questions on these topics? Feel free to email me at
Photography by Emily Mata
Starting a blog was definitely the best decision of my life – though I’ve largely moved on to Instagram and TikTok now! I still enjoy reading blogs though 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
This is so inspiring!