Holidays aren’t just a jolly, easy-going time. Most of us experience stress and anxiety this time of the year with family, hosting parties, attending events and shopping for the perfect gifts. I have at least one meltdown on Christmas Eve or Christmas. I just get so overwhelmed with planning my schedule, traveling, cooking and prioritizing.
So I’m making an effort this year to better manage my stress and take better care of myself:
Create New Traditions
I’ve realized that doing things how they’ve always been done in the family may not be what’s best for me. For example, I usually stay at my mom’s the night before Christmas, but with my parents’ dogs, James can’t stay with me and I have to sleep on the couch even though I have a perfectly good home decorated for Christmas with every amenity you want for the holiday including a fireplace, a cozy bed and the Hallmark movie channel full of cheesy Christmas movies. So I’ve decided that James and I will spend Christmas Eve alone at home and we’ll get up the next day and take it easy in the morning, and then slowly make our way back to my hometown. I instantly feel less stressed choosing to do what I want to do over perhaps what my mom would prefer.
I’ve also always tried to look the part and dress nicely even though no one in my family dresses up–and so I will be comfortable and cozy just as I was at Thanksgiving in a similar look to this consisting of a hoodie, leggings, and hair out of my face!
Look Good, Feel Good
The day before Thanksgiving I treated myself to a half day at Douglas J Institute, well they treated me and I allowed myself to not be tied to my phone during the massage, facial and blowout. I’ve never booked a facial or massage just before a holiday and it was the perfect way to relax and disconnect from work and holiday stress.
I booked the 60 minute facial and stress reliever treatment which they integrated into one session, adding in massages between facial masks. I also added the plant peel since it’s my favorite part of a facial at Douglas J. It acts as a chemical peel, sloughing away dead skin, but feels warm and tingly on the face, not burning and itching. I always add the plant peel on to facials at Douglas J since my skin instantly glows. And my skin during stressful times of the year truly needs the facial and plant peel combo.
After my mini spa day, I got my hair curled super glam and for Thanksgiving, I styled it into a high ponytail, Ariana Grande style.
For years, I’ve gone to Douglas J Institute for facials since they’re so affordable ($44 for 60 minute facial, $49 for 90 minute facial) and it’s just like any other spa experience, and I highly recommend adding in your own relaxing pre-holiday experience like a facial, massage or both. And I recommend taking a little more time off before the holiday to fit it in during the day. I always have a million excuses to not take time off, but again, it was so worth it. I woke up the morning before Thanksgiving excited about my spa day and not having to work!
Prioritize Holiday Demands
There are never-ending parties and events almost every day it seems this time of year. It’s hard to decline parties and wanting to be there for everyone else–but you have to prioritize these events and what you need.
I’ve decided that smaller, intimate parties hosted by my closest friends will be prioritized and larger, more social events will take the backseat AKA not participate in any of those this year. This works best for my personality type. I don’t like small talk and would rather spend time with the few people I like. Think about what will give you energy and make you happy this holiday season–and do it.
Everything in Moderation
I struggle with this one because I have no self-control when it comes to delicious food this time of the year. Clients give our office gifts of fudge, cookies and candy and I over-indulge. I also buy myself all kinds of delicious treats for entertaining–and then I end up eating it all. My goal this year is to enjoy all these treats, but not overdo it.
I’m trying to be more mindful of my water intake, amount of sleep I’m getting and the food I’m consuming. I can tell you that my workout after Thanksgiving was terrible. I didn’t drink any water that day, so bloated from overeating and tired from not getting enough sleep. I will not have that be the case around Christmas!
Gift-Giving & Planning
I don’t do well with anything last minute and so the last four years, I create a Christmas gift planning document listing out everyone on my list, the intended budget, gift ideas, actual purchase and purchase price so I can track my purchases and spending.
I create this document at the beginning of November so I have plenty of time to shop (mostly online) and make purchases throughout November. My goal is to have most of my shopping done by Black Friday so that it’s one less stressful item on my to-do list in December. If you’re a Type A planner like me, you’ll love this idea!
Almond milk cropped hoodie c/o CHRLDR | denim jacket c/o Unpublished | leggings by Lululemon | bag by Givenchy
Photography by Susan Hamilton
I really like your suggestions! This year I’ve got quite a bit of gift-giving to do – more than usual – so I’m planning to, well, plan my buys well! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I definitely have to take example of you on a few of those ones! I’m definitely NOT a moderation kind of person when it comes to food this time of the year but I’ll really try and control myself this year! I also really like the idea of getting a facial or something, it must be really nice and quite relaxing to do that just before things get really crazy!