I made the journey to Milwaukee last weekend for Fourth of July and on Saturday, I spent the day exploring a suburb outside of the city taking in a beer on the river, nomming on gourmet caramel apples and being a bit of a tourist, snapping photos of the quaint town.
I didn’t take outfit photos, but I wore a light sundress and sandal wedges. I’ve worn the dress here. It was a perfect hot, humid day. We couldn’t walk all that much on Saturday since Don tripped over a single stair whilst playing with my camera and sprained his ankle pretty bad. He hobbled along and I made sure to walk slow, which forced me to slow down and notice things, rather than power walk and ignore everything around me like I normally do on my commute to and from work.
Even though I’ve only been a city girl for three months, I wasn’t comfortable sitting this close to foliage, where insects crawled about. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were there somewhere waiting to attack me. Yet, the bug anxiety was worth sitting outside the Silver Creek Brewing Company to watch the river and chill.
very nice pics ;D
STREET LIFE: DAISY LOWE @ Elie Saab Show http://magmoiselle.fr
So yummy!
MMMMM..that beer does look aamzing. As does that M&M apple! I am so craving one now, good going! 😛
it looks and sounds like you had a blast– so jealous! and although I feel like a glutton, I want all of those candy apples!
I dont know what looks better the Candied Apples or the beer haha
that candy apple looks amazing! I'm sitting at work right now wishing I was eating one…o & drinking that beer!!! lol
newest follower <3 love your blog!!
xo Jackie
mmm that dessert looks just so yummy!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
that apple looks AMAZING! So does the beer 🙂
I'm glad you managed to find something good out of a sprained ankle! And oh my goodness YUM. The oreo with belgian chocolate would have been my pick I think.
Oh great! They look yummy!!! 🙂 xx
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ok, now I am hungry and thirsty!!!!! Love these photos my dear!!! xo, Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com
Those caramel apples look delicious! I have some family in Milwaukee – it's a really fun area with some cool shops to visit. Sounds like you had a fun fourth!
I have only had one of them fancy kinds of apples once. It took me half and hour to make up my mind, half an hour to eat it and 3 hours to get over the sugar cramp. Totally worth it.
Darling, you where in Milwaukee? You should have come see me ;). I love that first picture!
Unff. Food porn. Too delicious! xx
Wow. These pics are incredible. Love the one of you drinking the beer – great composition.
yay milwaukee!! i live in a suburb of milwaukee so you were probably right by me 🙂 love it when people post about somewhere i know and love. glad you had fun here!
So funny story, my sister and I visit that same suburb every weekend and a couple weekends ago I told my sister that I thought a person I saw was a fashion blogger I follow. Turns out it was you! Sorry if this sounds a little creepy but I thought it was a weird coincidence.