There are many ways to do something for you and your biz right now if you feel inclined. As an Enneagram Type 3–if I’m not productive, I’m not happy so it works best for me and my personality type to create new goals and get after it.
I’ve been focused on four ways to get myself on a better track and get myself out of my comfort zone to attract new followers and clients. I’m kind of all over the place with my photography business and this blog, but have worked to narrow down the never ending list of to dos to focus on the following:
Mindset Overhaul
I’ve never realized how much your mindset can affect your work, business and success. I’m a realist and sometimes a cynic, and it’s hard for me to dream big and believe in myself, especially in areas outside my comfort zone.
I’m afraid of rejection and failure and am incredibly hard on myself. I never feel content in the work I’m doing–I always have to be doing more, doing it better and that inevitably leads to comparing myself.
BUT I’ve learned to recognize these thought patterns and work through them–and realize things about myself I would’ve never known, and pushed myself outside my comfort zone if it weren’t for investing in my mindset coach Topsie VandenBosch and most recently, the Diva Boss Mastermind she runs where I get to chat with and learn from her and other female entrepreneurs. We discuss mindset struggles, business wins and growth opportunities–and hear what need to hear to get beyond the mindset issues, celebrated the successes and push ourselves further.
Re-evaluate Content & Schedule
Since this blog has been so much fun for me, I haven’t been too structured beyond a loose content calendar. This place has always been fun and creative, but I also want to do more things that readers and followers like!
I’ve checked in with followers to ask what they’re interested in seeing more of, thinking through what I actually want to focus on and coming up with a more solid schedule that gives me peace of mind and keeps me from trying to come up with something new everyday (which I can do, but I’m TRYING to get some balance with this, my full time public relations job, photography and my home life!)
My plan is to also share more blogging tips, marketing/comms tips and photography tips on the blog too now. I love when people ask me for advice in these areas and instead of just answering a couple people in the DMs, I’d like to share what I’ve learned here.
Web Refresh
I recently refreshed my blog and my photography site and now there are additional little tweaks I’m making as I’m re-evaluating content and where I want to focus my time. It’s a great time to audit your own site and make web updates, design refreshes and addressing those little tweaks you’ve been meaning to get to.
I’m specifically going update some sections and dropdowns to my navigation and add some additional functionality to my photography website for more seamless scheduling.
Tackle Email Marketing + Grow My Email List
This has been an area of struggle for me, but we all have areas we’re not as interested in or good at that is necessary to address when running a small biz. I’ve added email prompts on my blog, set up a weekly schedule for distribution and working on Facebook advertising and giveaways to grow that list. I need to do this for this blog and my photography work.
If you’re a small business owner, where are you putting your focus right now?
Thanks for the tips! I love your outfit too! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Scheduling is such a big thing for me!
I would love photography tips! I just bought a used camera and lens and can’t wait to play around with it and hopefully invest in more one day.