Lots of Time at Home
If I rattle off the top three things in my life right now they would be: no car, rats in house and ringworm. Lovely, right? I gave myself a solid week of self pity and I fully indulged. I am now trying to have a better outlook on the bullshit life has thrown at me. I had to remind myself, if I love anything in life, it’s sitting at home on my ass alone with some donuts and I’ve had plenty of solitude–one of the perks of having a highly contagious fungal infection and getting in a ANOTHER car accident without adding car rental coverage to my insurance (and being too cheap to rent a car for the whole month.)
With all this time, you’d think I’d be cleaning and organizing my home, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. I was planning to go up north this weekend, but with a free weekend at home and almost no plans, I think I’ll make an effort to transition my closet to fall and winter and do some deep cleaning that desperately needs to happen! Just me, James and the rats this weekend!
Your photography is stunning. Everything looks so comfy and lovely. 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I love this space! Hope your week gets better!
your living room is so cute! Loving all the furniture and the pumpkin accents!
I’m so sorry to hear about the misfortune you’ve had recently. Staying at home in Fall is the best 🙂 Hope everything will get better soon.