Back to Owosso
There’s no better way to end a weekend than a trip to Foster Coffee with a new blog pal. Ashley of Fit Mitten Kitchen needed some new photos, so no better place to catch up (and take photos in a judgement free zone) than Foster. My blogger friends come and go from Lansing and it’s so hard to lose them, especially Sam of Samantha Elizabeth. I feel like I’ve had a bit of a void in my life without her, but I love meeting new friends who get blogging and why taking 201 photos of coffee is necessary.
And one of my favorite blogger friends, Melissa of the Bee’s Knees, lives in Owosso and she’s one of those beautiful and sweet people you’d ever meet, and I need to see her more often! I need more mini meet-ups like this and conversation. Ashley and I had a really great discussion on the drive home over introversion and how our personality types shape our blogging, personal lives and we bonded over our mutual love for alone time.
I’ve been on a beret kick along with wearing a little more non-black colors like cream and rose. I bought this cream Tibi coat on clearance last year from Leigh’s in Grand Rapids and I’ve been getting my wear out of it so far this winter!
A Little Discount!
Did you scroll down yet and see my iPhone cover? This one is so beautiful from Case App. They let me pick one out to test out (very durable, doesn’t stain!) I’ve dropped my phone at least 10 times since getting the case, plus I’ve gotten food and make up on the case and it easily wipes away, thankfully. If you’d like one, here’s a discount code for 20 percent off: BLONDEBEDHEAD20.
[coat by Tibi, jeans by DL1961, Marc Fisher boots c/o Octer, beret from Retail Therapy, rings by Katie Dean Jewelry, iPhone case c/o Case App]
Photos by Melissa and Ashley
Awww, lovely photos! Your jacket is so unique, such a work of art!
Foster Coffee my all time favorite. awesome jeans.
Just mind blowing model! Owww! Thanks for share
Wow, you look fantastic – happy new year!!
Awesome post and you’re very beautiful!
Lovely dress and beautiful Black nail polish…. Enjoy!!