With big, red hair and leopard, I felt very Peg Bundy, ha! I picked up these pretty little leopard print shorts from H&M. I think I now own every item of clothing in a leopard print, actually, I just need some leopard pants. I also never really wore cream tops before, but I feel like it’s something that goes well with red hair, so now I’ll rock more of this color!
Since the outfit was a mix of neutral colors, I grabbed my purple suede pumps to add a pop of color. I sold these to my friend, Kimmi, but still haven’t brought them over to her yet. Kimmi, I hope this will lure you to visit me sooner! 🙂
[shorts by h&m, top and bag from kie&kate, purple suede pumps by bcbg]
Photos by my fabulous friend, Courtney
DANG GURL. you look amazing with that red hair, and those shorts remind me of something that bettie paige would wear.
werk it.
that's all.
I have to admit at first I wasn't sure about your red hair but these pics sold it for me! LOOOOOVEEE! 😀 Very artsy, hip & cool! 🙂
Beautiful ;)))
Fashion People: KATE MOSS http://magmoiselle.fr
you suit that hair really well! such a transformation. i like it.
if you keep on putting pictures like these you are going to convince me to become a redhead too hehehe
Red really suits you! Your embroidered sheer top is real dreamy.
x The Pretty Secrets
you look WAY better than Peg! Love your outfit!
Lindsey Turner
I have curly hair and I've been kind of thinking about going red and now you're making me want it even more. When I told my boyfriend he said, "Like Peg Bundy?!" and got all excited. I doubt I'll go for it because I have no budget, but I'm gonna have to sneak some red in there somewhere.
First of all, I love your pumps! Secondly, I have red curly hair and my boyfriend actually said that I looked like Peg Bundy in a post that I did on Sunday. Unfortunately, being told you look like Peg Bundy is not quite as cool as channeling your inner Peg Bundy, I found out. You look amazing as usual and I really like your new hair color! Good choice!
Love this outfit! The shorts are fab and the top pulls the look together perfect.
Great look- love it!
♥ Gina Michele
Um, you're killing me with those amaz leopard print shorts and your gorgeous red curls!!! Love the new hair color 😉
ha, I see what you mean. I love everything about this look. I love the feminine top with the edgy shorts. Very neat.
girllllllllllllllllll you know i'm there as soon as i can be! Also, I JUST got rid of my red b/c I was sick of it but now you make me want to be red again :/ lol
I love Peg.
I love this look – and you hair looks great! Is it weird not being a blonde? Every time I try to go dark or red I don't feel like me. You look awesome!
Love those leopard shorts.
C x
You look so pretty! I love your new hair color and those shoes and outfit are spectacular! XOXO, http://www.NatalyasCloset.com
first of all, i love that you referenced Married With Children. Sometime SSF and I watch the reruns in the morning while we drin our coffee.
second,i love the purple shoes with the leopard and cream.
Great blog! I love your hair! And great outfit!
Oh i really love your hair ! pretty ^^
really nice pics!
if you want follow me on blogger I will do the same!
hi andrea!!! i love u in chictopia… and i found your blog! so clearly i had to follow it.. i love every inch of your style! im definitely a BIG fan.. 😉
im really hoping we could follow each other.. it would be a pleasure.. 😉
I had the same realization when I died my hair red. Colors that would have normally washed me out, I can wear now. Blush pink, cream, light tan… all would have too closely mimicked my skin color.
Another thing I love, wearing purple eyeshadow.
Peg Bundy was amazing.
That top is simply gorgeous! x
I am really digging the red hair! And that top is amazing.
I think this would be a fun/casual look…
great post honey!!!!!
xxx =D
Seriously… you look amazing with your red hair. I absolutely LOVE it. I cannot wait to see you next weekend! Eeee, it's going to be so much fun! xo
I dont know where to start and where to end because everything is wonderful in this outfit!!!
Shorts, blouse, shoes..everything!!!!
I'm sure you get this every day, but you have THE BEST hair.
found you from selective potential!
i agree cream colors look fantastic with your red hair!
which by the way im super jealous of! you look gorgeous!
giveaway ends soon at:
AlphabetSoup Style
oh wow. you totally just took this post to the next level by referencing peg bundy! i LOVE your hair <3
You are gorgeous girl!! <3
Whoa, gawgeous! You make Peg Bundy look about 50 times hotter. 🙂 I could never, ever get away w this look, which makes me all the more impressed by how incredible you look.
red hair just aged you about 15 year. you now look to be about 35.
I love your hair soooo much!!!