[dress and jacket from H&M, shoes c/o Blowfish, bag by Chanel, gold bracelet c/o Kristin Hassan, snake ring c/o Courtney Kaye, gold ring from my Grandma, vintage necklace]

Shift dresses are my favorite. For years, they’ve provided me enough room to overeat throughout the day and maintain a high level of comfort. This time, I winterized the shift dress with some faux fur boots, basic jacket and some gold accessories, perfect for a day at work last week.
I bought the jacket from H&M which was coincidentally last summer on probably the hottest, most humid days in Chicago and I knew I had to snatch it up even though everyone else was purchasing bathing suits. I usually can’t think beyond what I need in the moment and am never the type to buy Christmas decorations the day after Christmas or buy anything out of season. Yet, this $29 coat yearned for my purchase and so I succumbed and am thankful six months later I have a super basic jacket to throw on.
I love that dress. The color and the texture is absolutely stunning. Great pics, as always! 🙂
Love the necklace!
Loving the shorter hair!! And a big yay for shift dresses – haha, the overeating part is a HUGE sell! 😉 But in all seriousness, I love the silhouette of this outfit/dress, the black coat is a beautiful staple & of course your choice of shoes and accessories just bring this outfit to a whole new level of beautiful!! xo V
… boots with the FURRRR …
I think I'll go listen to Flo Rida now.
Those boots are pretty cool looking.
LOVE! that dress is amazing and those boots are perfect! xo
buying items out of season is ideal…. unless, of course, the store has no air conditioning and you are trying on wool in blistering heat. yuck.
capacity to overeat is key… i love shirt dresses as well! this one is gorgeous on you.
You look ravishing as always. Especially love the ring and the boots.
I love everything about this… Especially the shot of the details, because the rings and necklace are amazing. I would wear that dress every day if I had it!! So maybe it's a good thing I don't 🙂
wow!!!! you look great and snaps for the courage to take pics like that with snow and freezing weather! 😉
This is one of my favorite shapes on you! Its like this dress was literally made for you!!! Love it. xo, Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com
Just found your blog and love it. Great style. Now following 🙂 http://www.mediamarmalade.com
Very cool vintage necklace.
That first photo is absolutely stunning! I love the shift and the necklace. Pretty!
oh wow! cool boots! cool necklace! cute dress! sweet hair!
You look fantastic! I love the way you styled this outfit. The boots are way too cute and I adore the accessories. H&M is always a good way to go 😉
Andrea! I love this cream colored dress and your black blazer 🙂 very classy! Also, those shoes are so unique! I love them.
Really like this dress, beautiful
Cute boots!
I agree! Shift dresses are amazing! And you can always belt them for a completely different outfit! I love this outfit! It's a perfect mix of flirty and comfort! You look lovely as always!
You're so beautiful and have an impeccable style! I am so happy I found your blog! 🙂
You look gorgeous as always, but alas, now I will have that hip hop explosion of a song stuck in my head all day. Luckily, your dress is so adorable that I will forgive you. 😉
That coat belonged in your wardrobe. Great buy! I just love how this whole look looks 🙂 so pretty! x
Lovely outfit as usual.
I love a tunicy-dress like that, always so flattering, not to mention comfortable, and that necklace gorgeous!
Looks lovely! The dress is super cute and you look sexy wearing it, the coat was totally a great purchase, too!
Very beautiful chic look 🙂 xoxo ♥
You look amazing! I LOVE your accessories & purse, so cute!!
pretty girl. i love love this outfit. A statement necklace is always perfect.
adooore that necklace and looks like blowfish really rocked it with those furry boots! <3
I really love that dress! I don't often find too many great things at H & M but I always love things other people find there. This dress is an example of that…
Oh man. From the textures, to the colors…this outfit is sublime. And can I be frank with you? That top picture is maybe my favorite picture of you. Ever.
Gorgeous and stylish as always Andrea!
You look stunning! These photos are beautiful.
Haha, oh yes, shift dresses allow overeating AND keep you looking fashionable? I'm definitely sold! 🙂
Those furry boots are amazing too ♥
Agh!! That Flo Rida song!! I'll be singing that in my dreams!! hehee..
I really love the whole look of this outfit. What a pretty dress!!
It looks great with your dress
Love the handbag color
I love that dress, you look stunning in it with your boots wit da furrr 😉
I LOVE that top picture of you. Your hair is just so incredible, I can never NOT comment on it! Haha.
hehe the title is so silly and i love shift dresses too. so cozy and fun!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Such a pretty dress! I love boxy, no shape dresses as well… my boyfriend, no so much haha
xo Jennifer
Great styling of those boots with that lovely dress! Just a great combination that looks fantastic on you
I love everything about this. You look fabulous! xoxo