Family Visits
Last weekend’s weather for art fair wandering started out well enough and so my mom, aunt and I ventured down to the East Lansing Art Festival and MSU Craft Show. This is one of my favorite events of the year in town, just second to Small Animals Day where I can shove children aside to hold baby goslings and pet baby goats and lambs. Baby animal heaven. Anyways, my mom loves checking out photography and my aunt loves kitchy signs, so it was perfect for them..until my mom grew tired of the large crowds, which was precisely when I was over it all too.
A “Man Repeller” Kind of Look
Since I was in the company of my mom and aunt, and mostly families and old people during the day, I decided to embrace the dad jean and wear something that was fun and not at all flattering, but felt cool and hip and easy. I felt like an Olsen twin–a little greasy, but cool. The dad jean with the suede jacket I can’t seem to take off and cozy blank ankle boots were perfect for the breezy, rainy spring day.
I adore your outfit, especially your boots and your jacket. Definitely won’t repel me by any means!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Sounds like an interesting fair and festival! I like your “greasy Olsen twin” look, it suits you perfectly! 🙂