I’m in Chicago! I moved on Saturday with help from my stepdad, brother-in-law and friends Courtney and Ben. After I moved in, I hung out with my friend Becky! We did our grocery shopping together and I gave her a little tour of the unfinished apartment. I love that I’m here and have such a close circle of friends built in. I can’t wait to hang out with my blogger friends too, like Emily of Sartoriography. I LOVE that girl. I also love I have a plethora of restaurants to try and so many things to do!
I wore this yesterday to breakfast with friends and a trip to Ikea. It was warm, but gloomy yesterday and I wanted to bring some color to my life! I picked up this dress with Tieka a couple weeks ago and I thought pairing it with the lighter leather jacket and matching blue flats was a perfect look for breakfast and being comfortable while shopping at the worst place in the world: Ikea.
[dress by f21, jacket by zara, flats c/o wanted, necklace borrowed from becky]
Photos by Becky Johns
This is so pretty! I absolutely love the maxi dress paired with the light cropped leather jacket! And your hair looks so pretty like this! Perfect weekend outfit! Hope you're settling in well, congrats on the move!
Adorable dress and what an exciting new adventure! Best of luck!!
Hey Andrea! If you get lonely (which Im sure you wont) my cousin Arleigh lives on Lakeshore Drive in one of the apartments down there. She's super involved in the Chicago city events. Anyways, good luck and I hope I can make a shopping trip down there to visit with you soon.
Love ya!
yay, welcome to chicago! the weather was unreal yesterday and i definitely need some more days like that in my life. let me know when/if you'd like to grab a drink/coffee sometime 🙂
You are so gorgeous I cant take it!!!!!! You did such a great job with your top knot poof hair. Im shedding a tear of happiness. LOl. You look amazing and I am so happy for your move!!! xoxo Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com
CONGRATS for your move! Cannot wait to hear all about your adventures in the windy city! 🙂
See, now this outfit I LOVE. No making fun whatsoever! Glad everything went well with the move and can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!
love the dress, love the jacket, love the hair! Hope all went well with the rest of the move – Lansing misses you already!
welcome to the city! glad that you're enjoying it so far! you've moved here during a great season. love the dress!
I LOVE this dress on you! And I'm so insanely excited that you're in Chicago now. Oh my goodness! I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!! LOVE YOU! xo
Haha, I hate Ikea too! But…it's cheap and they have some really great stuff, so you just gotta suck it up and endure the pain. Love this dress!
Welcome to Chicago!! You've come at the perfect time, as the weather is just starting to turn. It is such a fun and great city in the spring and summer. Welcome, welcome, welcome 🙂
Amazing maxi dress! The print is fabulous! And those flats are very cute too =)
YAY!!! I have been following quietly, I live in Chicago too!!! WELCOME!!!
Enjoy it, would love to meet, maybe with Anna (I saw she wrote above!)
Love that dress! I wish I wasn't too tall to wear maxi's!!
I was sent to your blog by Kate Kemph, I'm the assistant buyer at Twist Boutique and we carry her jewelry!
Can't wait to hear and see more of your new surroundings!
Love the outfit, the bun is totally cute!
Just discovered your blog and most certainly your lovely locks! <3 your style, keep doing your thing girl & I'll be sure to check back & see what you're up to!
Love this look!
i love the pattern and colors on that dress paired with the neutral jacket! i also love your hair like that too!
Fashion Bag 411
YAY welcome! 🙂
that's a beautiful dress! I love your hair too!
Congrats on your move! It's awesome that you already have friends there. I'm moving to San Francisco in a few months, and I'm really looking forward to meeting friends that I've never technically met!
On to this maxi dress: I love your spin on it, and the leather jacket is perfect!
I think you need to have a Chicago meet up! I feel like no one in the blogging world (though I'm sure I'm spacing on some) lives in Chicago!
Welcome to Chi-Town! You are going to love it here.
Love the pairing of the dark print dress with the light jacket. Its a perfect on the go look.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOUR STYLE. i'm only 16 and been a fan for a while but could never figure out how to comment… I live in Chicago too on the southside (but you know the nice safe part)
You look so comfortable, but put together! I'm a firm believer that maxi-dresses are the socially acceptable cousins of night gowns.
YAY! im so glad youre here!!!! 😀 cant wait for champagne thursdays! 🙂
this outfit is amazing! i just adore the long printed dress!
First time commenting, but as another Chicagoan I must say welcome to the city! happy to have someone so stylish now a resident! 🙂
Gorgeous dress!!! Congrats on the move!!
i love chi-town! enjoy the city for me…i moved away in august and that city still has my heart.
love this outfit too!!!
I love that dress, it's so pretty! Glad to hear that the move went well, and I can't believe that you think ikea is the worst place in the world 😉
Wahoo, lady! Welcome to the windy city!! Can't wait to hang. 🙂
And I LOVE your outfit. Perfect for the oddly hot and humid Sunday we had.
YAY! Welcome to Chicago!! I'm so excited to see you as soon as possible. And if you're even half this awesomely dresses, I'll prob want to spend even more time with you. Okay, we'd hang regardless, but you know I always like scoping your clothes. 🙂
PS- i'm excited for you to hang w your blogger friends, too! So glad I'm one of them.
Congrats on the move! Glad to hear everything went well and you're starting to settle into your new city now.
The dress seems like a perfect way to stay casual, and add some nice color to the day.
OMG! I just came across this lovely blog!
I LOVE it and your style!
LOVE this outfit! The shoes are so sweet 🙂
welcome to Chicago…that dress is amazing and I love how you styled it with those fun shoes and leather jacket!
So excited to hear the move went well, and I'd love to hear about your transition to life in Chi!
Carolyn 🙂
love love love your dress!!!
love your cool girl bun! haha